Doctor, can acupuncture help my condition?
The best answer will come from an experienced practitioner. The
practitioner, based on your medical history, condition, and what
other treatments you have been or are receiving, can best help you
decide whether acupuncture is suitable by itself or as adjunctive
therapy. Please see the referral section of this website for a physician
skilled in acupuncture near you.
I generally tell patientsthat if their treatment, according to
a Western diagnosis with options, isnt resolving the problem,is
quite expensive, or has significant side effects/hassles associated
with it, then clearly acupuncture is worth a try. I include the
Western diagnosis criteria because I think, as just an example,
it is ridiculous to treat someones dizziness with acupuncture if
what they need is to have excessive wax cleaned out from their ear
canals. On the other hand, if one is having difficulty controlling
or improving ones asthma with Western treatments, a trial of acupuncture
makes utmost sense.
What is an acupuncture treatment like?
This is difficult to say because of the wide variations in the
styles of acupuncture performed. Generally three to fifteen needles
will be placed. Costs vary depending on locale and practitioners
training and experience.
How does the acupuncturist manage infection control?
Non-physician acupuncturists are required by law in most states
to use disposable one-time-use sterilized needles. Physicians because
of their experience and background in infection control have the
perogative of using re-usable sterilized needles. These needles
would need to be sterilized in the same way as any surgical instrument.
Because blood loss and bleeding are minimal with acupuncture, I
am not aware of any attempt to require acupuncturists to wear gloves.
It is quite reassuring to review the medical literature and not
find one documented case where an acupuncturist has transmitted
a "personal" infectious disease to a patient or vice versa.
My review of the literature on the risk of infection associated
with acupuncture assures me that if one receives acupuncture from
a licensed practitioner in North America the risk of a serious infection
is drastically less than the risk of a serious accident while traveling
to the acupuncturist's office. The exception to this might be acupuncture
being delivered in a hospital setting.
What training is required to practice acupuncture? Do you have
recommendations in this regard?
Requirements can vary significantly worldwide. In most of Europe
a person to legally practice acupuncture must first be a medical
doctor. In this country there are non-physicians who are licensed
to practice. Again there can be significant variations in requirements
depending upon local laws.
You can review our requirements for membership in the AAMA as a
guideline for recommendations for physicians wanting special training.
We, as an organization, leave issues of credentialing of non-physicians
as acupuncturists in the hands of non-physicians and politicians.