Hair Care
How To Straighten Your Hair?

So, do you want to strighten your curls? Here's how:

  • Wash and condition hair.
  • Blot dry. Hair should be almost dry when you begin.
  • Gather up hair into several sections and secure or clip hair on top of your head. You will be drying the bottom layers first.
  • Follow the brush (with your dryer) down the sections of hair as you straighten each section and be sure to keep the dryer moving.
  • Take down a new section of hair and procede as directed above.
  • Work your way up the layers until all sections are dried and straightened.
  • To curl the ends for a polished look, take your brush and pull the ends under. Finish your styling with a blast of cool air if your hairdryer has this capability.


  • Be sure to condition your hair often. Sun, cold temperatures plus the use of your hair dryer can be hard on your hair.
  • For best results, use products formulated for your hair type. It does make a difference.
  • Give your hair a break and allow it to dry naturally as often as possible.
  • Have split ends snipped every six weeks to two months to ensure that they don't travel up the hair shaft.

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