Shloka Charak Su 30/26
the aims and objectives of Ayurveda, the science of life has been
beautifully coined in the above shloka.
To lead a good life health is priority. Through ayurvedic concepts
it is necessary to maintain health and in case of a diseased state
gaining back the normal health.
Aims and objectives of ayurveda have been divided into two aspects
- Swasthasya Swathya Rakshanam (Preventive and Social medicine)
- Aturasya Vikar Prashamanam (Therapeutics)
These two aspects reflect the unique approach of ayurveda.
Therapeutics is not strictly related to dravya chikitsa i.e. treatment
with medicines but also to the form of bhava chikitsa i.e. treatment
without medicines and in the form of achar rasayan (good conducts
both personal as well as social).
The two objectives though defined clearly in a concise statement,
have been explained in great details in the scripturesThe four chatushtayas
that form the basis of a good human life is a unique feature of
ayurveda. Following of the chatushtayas it is not only necessary
to maintain good health but also to treat a particular disease if
inflicted from what so ever caused.
Ayurveda has not restricted itself as the path, which treats diseases
but being the science of life has covered all the aspects necessary
to maintain health and to restore it when inflicted with a disease.
Charak has specified in the following shloka chark sutrasthan 5/103
that ignorance is no excuse and we have to take pains to learn and
to follow various rules and regulations to remain healthy.
These rules and regulations are nothing but guidelines to remain
fit, refrain from diseases and lead a healthy life. These guidelines
have been mentioned under the topic of swasthavrutta.
Despite of all the preventive measures if we suffer from a disease
we should be able to known the probable causes of that disease and
the probable fallacies on our part in following the rules and regulations
put before us in the form of the first objective.
Ignorance and fallacies lead to disease and it is here that the
second objective of aaturasya vikara prashamana comes into picture.