The ten samanya gunas are explained below:
1) Parat
It means excellent or main or anything that is best in all.
2) Aparatva
The meaning of aparatva is the worst among others and hence is the
opposite of parat.
3) Sankhya (number)
Sankhya is the means to number or count anything.
4) Yukti
It refers to the planning of anyone with the aim to achieve success
in the efforts.
5) Sanyoga (combination)
It as well. It is believed that if something happens that is destined
to be so irrespective of refers to the joining of two things or
the process by which two things come in contact. Sanyog can be intentional
and non- intentional efforts made it can be sanyog for example:
the meeting of two people in a marketplace by co incidence is non
intentional while meeting someone to fight is an intentional sanyog.
6) Vibhaga (splitting)
It is the process of destruction of the combination of two connected
things. Following are the types of splitting:
- Dwandva Karmaj (effort made by both side)
- Sarva karmaj (effort made by all sides)
- Eka karmaja (effort made by one side only)
7) Prithaktva (separate)
It refers to the guna that differentiates one thing from another.
Such as a pencil can be easily distinguished from a paper weight.
Following are the types of separation:
Aanyogshan (one which cannot come
The example of the two distant trees is best suited for this.
Vailakshama rupa
Two things which have some similarities and dissimilarities like
in living beings that belong to the same scientific family but
are of different. Example: lion and jaguar.
Anekta rupa
These refer to the dissimilarity found in same species. E.g. All
dogs are not alike.
8) Pariman (size)
it deals with the size and quantum of the things. They are usually
measurable in units of length, height, large and small. Following
are the types of pariman:
- Anu (microscopic)
- Mahat (large)
- Hraswa (small)
- Dirgha (greator)
9) Sanskar (to make better)
It is the way by which any property can be infested in another to
achieve a useful, worthy thing, person. In ayurveda the sanskar
of non toxic herbs turns them in useful medicines. Parada sanskara
(detoxification of mercury) is one of the examples of sanskar.
10) Abhyas (Study)
It refers to the practice of anything to achieve perfection.