Lal Punarnava
Latin Name
Boerhavia diffusa
Sanskrit Name


Hindi Name

Lal Punarnava

English Name
Spreading Hogweed
Parts Used

Whole herb, root. Each part has a different therapeutic value and must be prepared in its own way for maximum benefits. Found throughout India, especially during the rainy season.

Traditional Ayurvedic Uses
  • The root of this plant is a powerful Rasayana (longevity enhancer). It is good for the kidneys, especially the nephron cells which are damaged by long-term hyperglycemia (diabetes). And it pacifies two of the main laws of physiology (Vata and Kapha).
  • Punarnava enhances the quality of six of the seven categories of bodily tissues, including nutrient plasma (Rasa Dhatu), blood (Rakta Dhatu), muscle (Mamsa Dhatu), fat (Meda Dhatu), bone marrow and nerves (Majja Dhatu), and reproductive fluids (Shukra Dhatu).
Introduction of Yoga