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Homeopathic remedies can provide a measure of relief during painful attacks of joint pain and inflammation. A constitutional remedy prescribed by an experienced homeopath may help to reduce the likelihood of further episodes. The following homeopathic remedies are particularly useful for gout.

Aconitum napellus: The person is anxious, with a good imagination that can picture many terrible things. The joints are swollen and painful. The pain is worse at night and with warmth, but better with fresh air and rest.

Arnica: Arnica can also be very helpful for discomfort that comes with gout. Pain is sore and bruise-like, and it hurts to walk. The person may be afraid to be approached or touched, because of pain.

Belladonna: Useful for symptoms such as sudden onset, swelling, throbbing, heat, and. The joints look red, inflamed, and shiny - with sharp or violent pains that are worse from touch and jarring. The person may feel restless, flushed, and hot. Take

Benzinum acidum: 3X every four hours in gouty subjects with high- smelling urine.

Berberis vulgaris: Twinges of pain in gouty joints, or stitching pains that are aggravated by changing position or walking, may indicate a need for Berberis vulgaris. Berberis is often indicated for people who ache all over; some have nagging back pain or a tendency toward kidney stones.

Bryonia: Bryonia is helpful when tearing pain is worse from the slightest movement.

Calcarea fluorica: When the finger joints become enlarged because of gout, and the knees and toes may be involved, it may be time for this remedy. Stabbing pain is experienced, and the joints may make a cracking sound on movement. Discomfort is worse during weather changes, and warmth may bring relief.

Colchicine: 3X, every two to four hours for great weariness, nausea, shoutings and tearings in muscles and joints worse with movement, better at night. Tearings in legs, feet, and toes with swelling.

Colchicum: Colchicum is useful for gout in the big toe or heel-so painful the person finds both motion and touch unbearable. The joints are swollen, red and hot. Pain is often worse in the evening and at night. Flare-ups may occur in the springtime or with weather changes. Individuals who need this remedy often have a feeling of internal coldness and are very tired.

Guaiacum 3X, every four hours in gout.

Ledum palustre: Ledum palustre is indicated when the foot and big toe are swollen. Shooting pains are felt all through the foot and ankle, moving upward to the knee. Cold applications relieve both the swelling and the pain.

Pulsatilla nigricans: 3, every two hours when gout flies about from joint to joint.

Rhododendron: When you experience gouty swelling of the big toe joint that flares up before a storm, this remedy may be indicated. Other joints may ache and swell, especially on the right side of the body. Pain usually is worse toward early morning and after staying still too long. The person may feel better from warmth and after eating.

Rhus toxicodendron: This remedy can be helpful for joints that are hot, stiff, painful, and swollen. Symptoms are worse in cold, damp weather and improved by warmth and gentle motion.

Sabina: The person is depressed. There is gouty pain and nodules may develop at the afflicted joint. Movement and heat make the pain worse; cool fresh air makes it better. Also when connected with uterine disorder

Sulphur: When you have painful gouty joints that itch, along with a burning feeling in the feet, sulphur may be useful. The knees and other joints may be involved. Problems are aggravated by heat in any form, and are often worse in damp weather and in springtime.

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