For the pathogenesis of diseases, including those of skin improper
diet is one of the major factors. With the view to provide humans
a glowing and healthy skin, ayurveda has mentioned certain diets
that are nutritious and help eliminating the skin ailments. Although
in today's busy world where refrigerated food and preserved food
is preferred for convenience, it must always be kept in mind that
in all circumstances if possible fresh food is always better than
the preserved both in terms of nutritional value and health maintenance.
In ayurveda few recommended diets are as follows:
Food eaten should be warm, freshly cooked and must be in proper
All persons must eat after the previous meal consumed is digested
and again the urge to eat (hunger) arises.
Virudh anna (food that is incompatible with each other) should
not be taken. Such as fruit salads prepared in milk or milk
preparations must be avoided with fish.
The food must be chewed properly before gulping inside to the
esophagus and must not be eaten too fast or to slow.
The environment around while consuming food must be clean,
pleasant and hygienic.
Spicy, very hot, oily, fried and pungent food must be avoided
and thus junk food, fast food from outside must be avoided.
The fat intake must be reduced and fiber fruits and vegetables
must be consumed along with all substances that are roughage
for the body as it is good for health and helps prevent constipation.
Large amount of water, liquids, juices etc must be taken to
reduce dryness of the intestine and drain wastes out of the
blood through urine. Fluid intake also helps prevent skin disorders
and makes it glowing.
Fruit juice such as grapes, lemon, etc. is also recommended.