Earth was used extensively for remedial purposes in ancient times
as well as the middle ages. IN modern times, it again came into
prominence as a valuable therapeutic agent in the last century through
the indefatigable efforts of Emanuel Felke, a German-born Lutheran
minister who was nicknamed the "Clay Pastor."
Felke found that the forces of earth have remarkable effects upon
the human body, especially during the night. These effects are described
as refreshing, invigorating and vitalising. Felke believed that
for wounds and skin diseases, application of clay or moistened earth
was the only true natural bondage. The body is thus repaired with
the element from which it is assumed to be made.
Adolf Just ( 1838 - 1936) , one of the pioneers of nature cure
in modern times, believed that all diseases, but especially the
serious nervous troubles of our age, would lose their terrors, if
only sleeping or lying on the earth at night became customary in
the curing of diseases. According to him, by sleeping on the ground,
" the entire body is aroused from its lethargy to a new manifestation
of vital energy, so that it can now effectively remove old morbid
matter and masses of old faces from the intestines, and receive
a sensation of new health, new life and new unthought -of vigour
and strength. "
Going barefooted all day long, except when it is very cold, is
also regarded as a valuable step towards achieving good health and
true happiness. Men can draw vital energy and strength out of the
earth through their feet. Jesus Christ also attached a great deal
of importance to the practice of going barefooted. He himself was
barefooted and commanded his disciples likewise. It is advisable
to go entirely barefooted as often as possible, especially on the
bare ground but in rooms with painted floors it is better to wear
chappals, since the painted floor affects the body adversely if
one walks on it with bare soles.
The American Indians lay great stress on earth treatment.
They believe that healing power is strong in leaves and herbs,
powerful in the air, but very powerful indeed in the earth. They
have a custom to bury sufferers from all kinds of disease in the
earth upto their necks, leave them there for some hours, and then
remove them. They believe that many of them are cured. Presumably
the body draws unto itself the healing minerals and some of the
earth's magnetism.