Expectorant, anti-tussive, diaphoretic, hepatic, anti-microbial.
Elecampane is a specific for irritating bronchial coughs, especially
in children. It may be used wherever there is copious catarrh formed
e.g. in bronchitis or emphysema.
The mucilage has a relaxing effect accompanied by the stimulation
of the essential oils. It may be used in asthma and bronchitic asthma.
Elecampane has been used in the treatment of tuberculosis. The bitter
principle makes it useful also to stimulate digestion and appetite.
Elecampane tea is much used to quiet coughing, to stimulate digestion
and to tone the stomach; for bronchitis, urinary and respiratory
tract inflammation, and menstrual problems. Elecampane oil is used
for respiratory and intestinal catarrh, chronic diarrhea, chronic
bronchitis, and whooping cough. The decoction or tincture is used
for worms, and externally as a wash or fomentation for skin problems
such as scabies and itches.
Combinations : Elecampane combines well with White Horehound, Coltsfoot,
Pleurisy Root, Lungwort and Yarrow for respiratory problems.