Herb - anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, astringent, nervine, tonic, rejuvenative.
Seeds - antihelmintic, astringent, nervine tonic, and an aphrodisiac
Root - nervine tonic, diuretic
Hairs on the pods - irritant, powerful vermifuge
Infusion of the pods is a good remedy for dropsy.
The seeds are used in leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, spermatorrhoea,
Parkinson's and as an aphrodisiac. They are one of the best tonics
and used as powder to improve vitality.
Root is used as a remedy in facial paralysis and nervous disorders.
Decoction of the roots purifies the blood, cures rheumatism, asthma,
cough, stone in the bladder and improves vitality. it is also used
for fevers, edema, and elephantiasis.
Leaf paste is applied to ulcers.
This herb is being investigated as a possible remedy for AIDS.