Beccabunga, mouth-smart, neckweed, speedwell,
water pimpernel, water purslain, brooklime
Parts Used
Leaves and Flower
Diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge.
The fresh juice of the herb is mildly diuretic. In older herbals,
it is also recommended for intestinal disorders and anemia. Once
prized, it is little used today.
Brookline is a succulent perennial plant found growing in wet places,
as in streams and ditches. Its round stem grows 1 to 1-1/2 feet
high from a creeping, jointed rootstock. The leaves are glabrous,
ovate or broadly elliptical, and finely serrate. The small blue
flowers grow in axillary spikes from May to August.
Juice: Take 1 tsp. to 3 tbsp., three times a day. Take in milk
if the stomach is sensitive.