Demulcent, emmolient, diuretic, anti-inflammatory,
expectorant, mucilaginous.
Its abundance of mucilage makes Marshmallow an excellent demulcent
that is indicated wherever such an action is called for. The roots
have been used for the digestive system whilst the leaves are used
for the urinary system and lungs. All inflammatory conditions of
the G-I tract will benefit from its use, e.g. inflammations of the
mouth, gastritis, peptic ulceration, colitis etc.. The leaves help
in cystitis, urethritis and urinary gravel as well as bronchitis,
respiratory catarrh, irritating coughs.
Externally the herb is often used in drawing ointments for abscesses
and boils or as an emollient for varicose veins and ulcers.
Combinations : As one of the most effective and safest demulcents,
it may be used in any situation where this action is appropriate.