Cholagogue, cathartic, hepatic, emetic, laxative, diaphoretic,
Black Root is used as a reliever of liver congestion and for an
inflamed gall-bladder (cholecystitis). When jaundice is due to liver
congestion, Black Root is used for its treatment. Chronic constipation
can often be due to a liver dysfunction, in which case this herb
is also ideal.
Kings Dispensatory describes its specific indications and uses
as Drowsiness, dizziness, and mental depression, with tenderness
and heavy pain in the hepatic region, the tongue is coated markedly
white, the skin is yellow, there is a bitter taste, cold extremities,
nausea and dull frontal headache; thirst, with inability to drink;
restlessness, with insomnia; diarrhea, with half-digested passages,
or clay-colored evacuations; enfeebled portal circulation, with
lassitude and gloomy and depressed mental state.