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Cedrus deodara
Himalayan Cedar
Biological Name
Cedrus deodara
Other Names
Himalayan Cedar Badra daru, Deodar, Devadaru, Devataram, Devdari, Pahari-keli, Pinus Deodara, Snehaviddha, Suradaru, Toon, Toona, Toon-maram, Vrikashapa
Parts Used
Leaves, wood, bark, turpentine
Active Compounds
Wood yields an aleo-resin known as Kelanka-tel and a dark-colored oil or tar resembling crude turpentine.

Himalayan Cedarwood oil, extracted from the herb, contains alpha- and gamma- atlantone, p-methyl-3-tetrahydroacetophenone.

Remedies For



Bark-powerfully astringent, febrifuge;

Leaves-mild turpentine properties

Cedarwood oil, extracted from the herb, is used for catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract. It is an expectorant.

Action and Uses in Ayurveda and Siddha

Tikta rasam, katu vipakam, ushna veeryam, kapha vata haram, lagu, snigdham, in dam, adhananam, amam, tandra, prameham, kasam.
Externally : Kandu, sodham, megha-vranam.

Action & Uses in Unani

Resolves inflammation, antispasmodic, anti-poison, paralysis, stone in the kidney, fevers.


  • diarrhea
  • dysentery
  • fever
  • inflammation
  • kidney stones
  • paralysis
  • skin diseases
  • ulcers

Bark of the herb is a good remedy in remittent and intermittent fevers, diarrhea and dysentery. The powder is used in the treatment of ulcers. It is particularly valuable for the treatment of bilious fevers and inveterate diarrhea arising from atony of the muscular fiber.

Cedarwood oil, extracted from the herb, is used for catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract. It is an expectorant. It is also useful for ulcers and skin diseases.

This herb is found all over the Northern Himalayas. It is largely cultivated in India as an ornamental tree. Related species are found in Lebanon, Turkey, Asia, and Africa.

Oleoresin (oil or tar), powder. The cedarwood oil is used as a rub (Bormelin balm). It also is used sometimes as an inhalation.


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Medicinal Plants
List of Medicinal Plants A - L