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Medicinal Plants
List of Medicinal Plants M - Z
Crinum asiaticum
Poison bulb
Biological Name

Crinum Asiaticum

Other Names
Badakanvar, Bara-kanur, Chindar, Gadambhikanda, Gadani-kanda, Gaerahonara-patta, Kesarichettu, Kon.-Kirtmari, Nagadamani, Nagdowan, Naginka-patta, Sookhdursun, Sudarshan, Pindar, Poison bulb, Tudaivachi, Valutta polatali, Vishamandala, Vishamoola, Vishamoongil, Vishamula, Vizhamungal
Parts Used
Leaves and root (fresh bulb)
Remedies For


Leaves and root are emetic, diaphoretic and purgative


Leaves of the herb smeared with castor oil and warmed is a useful remedy for repelling vhitlows and other inflammations at the end of toes and fingers. Alternately, you can use bruised leaves of the herb mixed with castor oil for this purpose. The herb is also useful to treat inflamed joints and sprains.

For earache and other ear complaints, use slightly warmed juice of the leaves mixed with a little salt. You can also use an oil prepared from the fresh juice for this purpose.

Roasted bulb is used as rubefacient in rheumatism. The bulbs are powerfully emetic and are used to produce vomitting in poisoning especially antiaries.

Bruised leaves act as an efficient insect repellent.


This herb is cultivated in Indian gardens.


Juice of the fresh bulb - dose 2 to 4 drachms

Syrup (1 in 3) - dose 2 drachms as an emetic for children. If you are using dried roots require double the dose.

Poultice of leaves and powder of root.


No information is available.

Medicinal Plants
List of Medicinal Plants A - L