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Medicinal Plants
List of Medicinal Plants M - Z
Ephedra spp
Desert tea
Biological Name

Ephedra spp

Other Names

Brigham Young weed, desert herb, ephedra, Mormon tea, squaw tea, teamster's tea, desert tea

Parts Used
The herb.
Remedies For

Diuretic, febrifuge, tonic.

Although most commonly taken as a pleasant beverage, desert tea has also been used as a remedy for kidney and bladder problems. Natives of the American Southwest drink a decoction several times a day to relieve kidney pain or to treat a fever. American Indians used it, both internally and externally, to treat syphilis and mucous discharges. Early pioneers considered desert tea a good "blood purifier."


Desert tea is a broom-like shrub which somewhat resembles shave grass. Its various species can be found in the and areas of the Northern Hemisphere, including the deserts of the southwestern U.S. The jointed, grooved, green stems and branches of some species reach heights of up to 7 feet, but most are smaller. Two or three scale-like leaves, more or less persistent depending on the species, grow at each joint in the stem and branches. Male and female cones appear on different plants, the male featuring prominent yellow pollen sacs.


Decoction: To use as a diuretic, take a glassful of the cold decoction every morning.


No information available. Some herbs are known to react with your medication. Please consult your physician before starting on any herb.

Medicinal Plants
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