Anti-asthmatic, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, emetic, nervine, diaphoretic,
Lobelia is one of the most useful systemic relaxants available.
It has a general depressant action on the central and autonomic
nervous system and on neuro-muscular action. It may be used in many
conditions in combination with other herbs to further their effectiveness
if relaxation is needed. Its primary specific use is in bronchitic
asthma and bronchitis.
Lobeline is a powerful respiratory stimulant, whilst isolobelanine
is an emetic and respiratory relaxant, which will stimulate catarrhal
secretion and expectoration whilst relaxing the muscles of the respiratory
system. The overall action is a truly holistic combination of stimulation
and relaxation.
Combinations: It will combine well with Cayenne, Grindelia, Pill-bearing
Spurge, Sundew and Ephedra in the treatment of asthma.