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Psoralea corylifolia
Biological Name

Psoralea corylifolia
Papilionaceae family

Other Names
Babchi, Bakuchi, Babchi Seeds, Bavachi, Bavanchalu, Bavanchi Bavchi, Bhavanchi-vittulu, Bawachi, Bhavaj, Bobawachi, Bogi-vittulu, Hakuchi, Kantaka, Karpokarishi, Karu-bogi, Krishnaphala, Latakasturi, Somaraji, Sugandha kantak, Vabkuchi, Vakuchi
Parts Used
Active Compounds
The chief active principle of the seeds is an essential oil; and a fixed oil, a resin, and traces of a substance of alkaloidal nature.
Remedies For

Aromatic, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, stimulant, aphrodisiac

Action & Uses in Ayurveda & Siddha
Mathura tikta rasam, katu-vipakam, seetha veeryam, kapha-haram, rasayanam, ruksham, hrithyam, in meham, kushtam, jwaram, krimi, rakta-pittam.

Action & Uses in Unani
Skin conditions, particularly leucoderma, anti-souda, balghami, fevers, anthelmintic, sedative for internal ulcers.

This is an Ayurvedic herb. It is found in many parts of India.

Five grams powder twice daily before meals with some coriander and honey (to taste); as an external paste.


A Top Herb for Leprosy, Skin Conditions

This herb has been considered by Ayurveda doctors to be so effective in the treatment of leprosy that it was given the name of 'Kushtanashini' (leprosy destroyers).

The powder from the seed is used to treat leprosy and leucoderma internally. It is also applied in the form of paste or ointment externally.

The unsaponified oil has been used with success in case of leucoderma and psoriasis.

It was shown to improve the color of skin (including removing white spots), hair, and nails. For instance, t

An ointment made by combining one part of an alcoholic extract of the seeds with two parts of chaulmugra oil and two parts of lanoline has been found to be effective in treating leucoderma, white leprosy, psoriasis, and other inflammatory skin diseases and febrile conditions. The oil can be used both internally or as a simple ointment externally. Gently rub the oil once or twice daily. The proportion of the active ingredients may be increased if needed.

The herb is also prescribed for

Seeds are also used to make a perfumed oil. They are also used for scorpion sting, and snake-bite.


Precautions: May increase Pitta when taken alone; do not take with low body fluids; do not use with licorice root.

The essential oil varies enormously in its effects on different persons. With the majority (95 per cent) of people, it causes only redness of the leucodermal patches. But in a small number (5 per cent) there is extreme sensitiveness to the oil. It may even cause blistering of the skin. The strength of the oil should therefore be varied in such a way as not to allow its action to go beyond the state of redness of the leucodermic patches.

No other information available.

Medicinal Plants
List of Medicinal Plants A - L