Alterative, laxative, hepatic, cholagogue, tonic, depurative,
astringent, antiscorbutic, detergent.
Used for:
Poor Digestion
Skin Conditions
Yellow Dock is used extensively in the treatment of chronic skin
complaints such as psoriasis. The anthraquinones present have a
markedly cathartic action on the bowel, but in this herb they act
in a mild way. Thus it is useful for constipation, working as it
does in a much wider way than simply stimulating the gut muscles.
It promotes the flow of bile and has that somewhat obscure action
of being a blood cleanser The action on the gall-bladder gives it
a role in the treatment of jaundice when this is due to congestion.
Traditional herbalists recommend this herb for: bad blood with
chronic skin disease; bubonic swellings; low deposits in glands
and cellular tissues, and tendency to indolent ulcers; feeble recuperative
power; irritative, dry laryngo- tracheal cough; stubborn, dry, summer
cough; chronic sore throat, with glandular enlargements and hypersecretion;
nervous dyspepsia, with epigastric fullness and pain extending through
left half of chest; cough, with dyspnoea and sense of praecordial
Combinations : It will combine well with Dandelion, Burdock and