Hepatic, galactogogue, demulcent, cholagogue.
Milk Thistle is used to increase the secretion and flow of bile
from the liver and gall-bladder. Its traditional use as a liver
tonic has been supported by research showing that it contains constituents
which protect liver cells from chemical damage. Used in a variety
of liver and gall bladder conditions including hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Also used in the treatment of chronic uterine problems. Research
done in Germany showed that milk thistle reverses toxic liver damage
as well as protection from potential hepatotoxic agents.
A number of chemical components of herb are now being shown to
have this protective effect on liver cells. They are all flavones
and flavo-lignins, the best studied being silymarin. Silymarin has
been shown to reverse the effects of highly toxic alkaloids, such
phalloidine and a-amanitine from the Avenging Angel mushroom (Amanita
phalloides) as well as protect liver cells from their impact. The
pharmacodynamics, site and mechanism of action of silymarin are
becoming well understood, providing insights into the metabolic
basis of this herbs activity., an activity long known and used by
medical herbalists. As its name implies, it promotes milk secretion
and is perfectly safe to be used by all breast feeding mothers.