Antispasmodic, appetizer, carminative, galactagogue, stomachic.
The tea made from the leaves of the basil plant is used for nausea,
gas pains, and dysentery. Tea made with basil and peppercorns is
a folk remedy to reduce fever.
Basil is antispasmodic, appetizer, carminative, galactagogue, and
stomachic. Basil is vary useful for ailments affecting stomach and
the related organs. It is used for stomach cramps, gastric catarrh,
vomiting, intestinal catarrh, constipation, and enteritis. It had
been sometimes used for whooping cough as an antispasmodic.
Ayurvedic Applications:
Action: Antibacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic,
febrifuge, nervine
Uses: Coughs, colds, fevers, headaches, lung problems, abdominal
distention, absorption, arthritis, colon (air excess), memory, nasal
congestion, nerve tissue strengthening, purifies the air; sinus
congestion, clears the lungs, heart tonic; it frees ozone from sun's
rays and oxygenates the body, cleanses and clears the brain and
nerves; relieves depression and the effects of poisons; difficult
urination, prevents the accumulation of fat in the body (especially
for women after menopause), obstinate skin diseases, arthritis,
rheumatism, first stages of many .cancers, builds the immune system.
Tulsi contains trace mineral copper (organic form), needed to absorb