Actions : Cholagogue, hepatic, anti-emetic, stimulant, laxative,
antheimintic, aperient, cholagogue, tonic.
It Is beneficial for a weak stomach and indigestion, general debility,
constipation, and torpid liver, it also stimulates the appetite,
and in small doses is a good tonic during convalescence. In addition,
balmony is an effective antheimintic. Externally, it is used for
sores and eczema. The ointment is valuable to relieve the itching
and irritation of piles.
Indications : Balmony is an excellent agent for liver problems.
It acts as a tonic on the whole digestive and absorptive system.
It has a stimulating effect on the secretion of digestive juices,
and in this most natural way its laxative properties are produced.
Balmony is used in gall stones, inflammation of the gall-bladder
and in jaundice. It stimulates the appetite, eases colic, dyspepsia
and biliousness and is helpful in debility. Externally it has been
used on inflamed breasts, painful ulcers and piles. It is considered
a specific in gall stones that lead to congestive jaundice.
Herbalists consider this herb a useful remedy for gastro-intestinal
debility with hepatic torpor or jaundice. Dyspeptic conditions attending
convalescence from prostrating fevers are often aided by it, and
should be studied particularly for vague and shifting pain in the
region of the ascending colon.
Kings Dispensatory describes it as being tonic, cathartic, and
anthelmintic. Especially valuable in jaundice and hepatic diseases,
likewise for the removal of worms, for which it may be used in powder
or decoction, internally and also in injection. Used as a tonic
in small doses, in dyspepsia, debility of the digestive organs,
particularly when associated with hepatic inactivity, and during
convalescence from febrile and inflammatory diseases. It is valuable
after malarial fevers as a tonic and to unlock the secretions when
checked by quinine. Recommended in form of ointment as an application
to painful and inflamed tumors, irritable and painful ulcers, inflammed
breasts, piles, etc. Kings gives the following specific indications:
Gastro-intestinal debility, with hepatic torpor or jaundice; worms.