Yellow bedstraw is used essentially like cleavers, its activity
being perhaps somewhat stronger. In addition, yellow bedstraw tea
has been recommended for epilepsy and dropsy, and as a calmative.
Yellow bedstraw is found in dry fields
of the north- eastern U.S. and in pastures and meadows in Europe.
The slender, square, smooth stern grows from 6 inches to 3 feet high
and bears linear, bristle-tipped leaves in whorls of 6 or S. From
May to September, tiny yellow flowers appear In dense panicles.
Infusion: Steep I tbsp. dried herb in 1/2 cup water. Take 1 cup
a day, freshly made each time.
Juice: Take 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup hot water over the course of a day.