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Medicinal Plants
List of Medicinal Plants M - Z
Cochlearia armoracia
Biological Name

Cochlearia armoracia

Other Names
Parts Used
Active Compounds
Horseradish contains many compounds similar to mustard, which is in the same botanical family. Among these constituents are volatile oil, isothiocyanates, and glycosides.

Horseradish has antibiotic properties, which may account for its easing of throat and upper respiratory tract infections. The glycosides are responsible for the reddening effect (by increasing blood flow to the area) when horse-radish is applied topically.

Horseradish, known for its pungent taste, has been used as a medicine and condiment for centuries in Europe. Horseradish was used both internally and externally. Applied to the skin, it causes reddening and was used on arthritic joints or irritated nerves. Internally, it was considered primarily to be a diuretic and was used for kidney stones or edema. It was also recommended as a digestive stimulant. In addition, it found use in the treatment of worms, coughs, and sore throats.
Remedies For
Horseradish is useful for:

Common cold sore throat
Sinus congestion

Diuretic, rubefacient, stomachic. The diuretic properties of fresh horseradish make it useful for gouty and rheumatic problems and also for bladder infections.


Horseradish is a perennial plant native to southeastern Europe and western Asia, and occasionally found wild but usually cultivated in other parts of the world. The long, white, cylindrical or tapering root produces a 2 to 3 foot high stem in the second year. The large basal leaves are lanceolate with scalloped edge; the stem leaves are much smaller, sessile, lanceolate, and serrate to entire. A panicle of numerous white flowers appears during June and July.


The freshly grated root can be eaten in the amount of 1/2-1 teaspoon three times per day. Horseradish tincture is also available and can be used in the amount of 2-3 ml three times per day.

Only undried horseradish is effective. The root can be preserved for months inside the refrigerator.

Vinegar: Cover finely grated horseradish with vinegar and let stand 10 days. Take 1 tsp. Two to three times per day, well diluted with water. This can also be applied externally.

Poultice: Spread fresh, grated root on a linen cloth. Lay on the affected area, with cloth against the skin, until a burning sensation is felt.

Syrup: Steep 1 tsp. Root in 1/2 cup boiling water in a covered pot for 2 hours. Strain and add sugar until syrupy consistency is reached.

Use sugar or honey to make the horseradish more palatable.

Dosage for specific ailments:

Bladder infections: 3 to 4 tbsp of grated horseradish with wine vinegar and grape sugar per day.

Colitis and Intestinal Problems, Coughs and asthma: Take horseradish combined with honey and raw sugar.


Very high doses of horseradish can cause vomiting or excessive sweating. Direct application to the skin or eyes may cause irritation and burning.

Horseradish should be avoided by patients with hypothyroidism.

Medicinal Plants
List of Medicinal Plants A - L