The freshly grated root can be eaten in the amount of 1/2-1 teaspoon
three times per day. Horseradish tincture is also available and
can be used in the amount of 2-3 ml three times per day.
Only undried horseradish is effective. The root can be preserved
for months inside the refrigerator.
Vinegar: Cover finely grated horseradish with vinegar and let stand
10 days. Take 1 tsp. Two to three times per day, well diluted with
water. This can also be applied externally.
Poultice: Spread fresh, grated root on a linen cloth. Lay on the
affected area, with cloth against the skin, until a burning sensation
is felt.
Syrup: Steep 1 tsp. Root in 1/2 cup boiling water in a covered
pot for 2 hours. Strain and add sugar until syrupy consistency is
Use sugar or honey to make the horseradish more palatable.
Dosage for specific ailments:
Bladder infections: 3 to 4 tbsp of grated horseradish with wine
vinegar and grape sugar per day.
Colitis and Intestinal Problems, Coughs and asthma: Take horseradish
combined with honey and raw sugar.