Carminative, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, emmenagogue, galactogogue,
astringent, anti-microbial.
Caraway is useful as:
Digestive Aid:
Two chemicals present in caraway seeds (carvol and carvene) soothe
the smooth muscle tissue of the digestive tract and help expel gas.
Women's Health:
Antispasmodic properties of caraway seed can be taken advantage
of in soothing the digestive tract, muscles such as uterus, etc.
It is useful for menstrual cramps.
Caraway is used as a calming herb to ease flatulent dyspepsia and
intestinal colic, especially in children. It stimulate the appetite.
Its astringency is taken advantage of in the treatment of diarrhea,
and in laryngitis as a gargle. It is also used in the treatment
for bronchitis and bronchial asthma. It has been used to increase
milk flow in nursing mothers.