Herb: alterative, anthelmintic, aperient, astringent, bitter, digestive,
diuretic, expectorant, stomachic
Stems, fruits, flowers-bitter, carminative
Root- diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, anodyne
The whole herb is useful for the treatment of fevers, coughs, asthma,
flatulence, dropsy, heart disease, pain the chest and gonorrhea.
The roots from this herb (in the form of decoction of confection)
are frequently recommended for coughs, dysuria, stone in the bladder,
dropsy, asthma, catarrhal fever, pain in the chest. It is also useful
for the enlargement of the liver and spleen.
This herb is one of the dashamul roots (ten roots) in ayurveda.
So, it is one of the important herbs in Indian Medicine.